Easy Pension Plan

Edelweiss Tokio Life – Easy Pension is a unit-linked, retirement solution, suited to meet your needs to plan for a financially stable and happy retirement life.

Key Features

  • Low Premium Allocation Charge.
  • Guaranteed Loyalty Additions to enhance your return.
  • Choice of terms up to 85 years and full flexibility with Premium Paying Terms.
  • Option to choose your risk strategy for allocation between funds.
  • Automatic re-allocation of your money to optimize retirement needs.


  • Maturity Benefit:
On survival of Life Assured till maturity, company pays:
Higher of:
(i) Fund Value at maturity
(ii) Assured Benefit where Assured Benefit is 101% of total premiums paid till maturity.
  • Tax Benefit
The Premium(s) paid by you are eligible for tax benefit available under the provisions of Section(s) 80C, 80 CCC (1), 80D, 10(10D) as applicable
  • Death Benefit
On death of life insured,
Death benefit during and after PPT:
Higher of :
1) Fund value
2) Assured benefit
3) 105% of total premiums paid till date of death
where Assured Benefit is 101% of total premiums paid till death

Am I eligible?

ENTRY AGE 18 years 75 years
AGE OF MATURITY 45 years 85 years
PREMIUM PAYMENT TERM Single pay, Limited Pay and Regular pay
POLICY TERM 10 years 67 years
PAYMENT MODES Yearly, Half-yearly, Quarterly and Monthly


No Riders are available under this product

What if?

I am unable to pay the premium

  • Grace period is of 30 days. The policy will remain in force during the grace period.If any premium remains unpaid at the end of the grace period, the policy shall lapse.

I stop the payment

  • On the completion of the grace period the policy will get lapsed and the benefits cannot be claimed on the death of the life insured.

I want to take a loan

  • No Policy loan is available for this product.