If you are paying your LIC premium either through direct cash at the cash counters or through online payment or ECS. If you are an Income taxpayer, you would require the premium paid statement for the current financial year at the time of your income tax filing with the income tax department or with your employer.
If you paid your premium through online mode on www.licindia.in, you will immediately receive your payment receipt to your mail after you make the payment. Those receipts are useful for your income tax exemptions.
What to do if you do not hold the receipt?
When the payment is done through ECS, the amount will be automatically be deducted from the bank account on the due date. In that case, you will not receive any receipts if the payment is done through ECS mode. To generate the premium payment receipt, follow the below steps.
You can generate your receipts whenever you need if you have registered your policies and maintain an online LIC account in on LIC’s official website www.licindia.in. If you have not registered your policy and do not maintain an account. Click here and follow the steps to create an online LIC account.
If you had created an online LIC account and wanted to add or enrol policies of yours as well of your family members. Follow the steps by clicking here.
After registering your policy, follow the below steps to generate your premium paid receipts.
1. Go to your LIC login page in the URL – https://ebiz.licindia.in/D2CPM/#Login
2. Enter your Username and password and Date of Birth. It will take you to your account home page.
3. Click on Basic Services menu, you will be able to see the Policy Premium Paid Statement Menu. Click on this menu and select the required Financial year, the available policies will be listed. Select the required policies and click on Generate Statement. The policy statement will be opened as a PDF file in a separate tab.
Note: Statement will be opened in a new window of your browser. So, please make sure that pop-ups are not blocked in your browser.